Friday, 19 December 2014

Newton - Preparations for Reinstatement

Newton progresses onward to become the first site to see a complete reinstatement. The steel truss frame of the entrance has been completely assembled and works have started on covering the roof. Closer to the circus, the cooling unit, as with many of the other DTL2 stations over the last 2 months, has been delivered and fitted into the cooling tower.

Reinstatement at Newton
The permanent bus stop at the station has taken shape as well, with the bus bay being cast at the moment. The steel structure of the bus shelter and safety bollards are completed and the bus stop is scheduled to open around CNY next year.

Reinstatement at City Towers
Down the road, the bus stop at the escape shaft site has been reinstated. Casting works of the bus bay had just completed and the bus stop should reopen back to its original location by New Year's Day.

DTL entrance of Newton Station
DTL entrance of Newton Station
Cooling unit fitted into the tower. The sides of the superstructure will progressively be covered up with grates
Permanent bus stop at the DTL entrance along Bukit Timah
Reinstatement of City Towers bus stop at the escape shaft
City Towers bus stop alongside the escape shaft

Formwork for the permanent covered walkway slab that will link the bus stop to the station
Formwork for the permanent covered walkway slab that will link the bus stop to the station

The new bus stop
New bus bay in the making
Tying of rebar and formwork for the bay drainage being carried out by the STEC workers on Dec 15 

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