Friday, 3 July 2015

Stevens Reinstates

Reinstatement works are almost completed at the Stevens Station. The 919 team have completed majority of the architectural works on the superstructure, and are preparing to reinstate Robin Walk as well as the slip road turn to Stevens Road.

Reinstatement on the surface of Stevens Station
Skylight within the entrance. The lift in the background connects directly to the upper and lower platforms. This portion of the entrance will be transformed to a paid area with faregates installed on ground level for the subsequent reconfiguration works for the paid connection between the Downtown and Thomson - East Coast Line.
The primary lift in the background will be a permanent unpaid lift linking between the Ground level and the concourse/upper platform.

Concourse / Upper platform level
2 new elevators will eventually be constructed beside the bus stop under the Thomson-East Coast line project to link up with the underpass level that will connect to SCGS

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